Kind Meals is a 501c3 nonprofit organization based in Columbus, Ohio providing hunger relief services to those in need.
Kind Meals was started by a group of like-minded people that are passionate about making vegan food accessible to everyone. We aim to eliminate food deserts in our community and make healthy food available to all. We started as a branch of Chilis On Wheels and have continued to partner with this amazing organization since branching out and starting Kind Meals.
We host monthly events where we provide free vegan meals to anyone in need. Our events are always the third Saturday of each month in the All People's Fresh Market parking lot.
We also provide vegan ingredients and recipes to Star House and Carol Stewart Village on a monthly basis. Star House is a drop in center and Carol Stewart Village is transitional housing for youth experiencing homelessness.

What is Veganism?
Veganism is the practice of abstaining from the use of animal products, in diet and lifestyle, and an associated philosophy that rejects the commodity status and exploitation of animals.
Why go vegan?
There are many reasons to go vegan, here are a few:
For The Animals - Animals want to live, they love life and fear death. Farm animals are individuals with unique personalities and emotions, just like cats and dogs. They feel joy, affection, and pleasure, as well as fear, grief and pain. They form deep friendships and emotional bonds and seek to preserve their lives, just like us. Animal agriculture, including the egg and dairy industries, cause immense suffering and death.